Category Archives: Quotes

Speak To Me Flirty

“I was so enchanted by your beauty that I ran into that wall over there. So I am going to need your name and number for insurance purposes.” -A.J. Baker

The lady thinks: Cute line. Isn’t it romantic and witty. Love an intelligent  guy with a sense of humor. I hope he’s on the level. Should I take a chance? 

He says: “Would you like to get a drink? I know a quiet café not far from here.”

She says: ” It’s raining outside.”

He says: ” I brought an umbrella.”

Stream of Consciousness Saturday, #SOCS, is hosted by Linda G Hill. Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “coffee, tea, or me.” Find a flirty phrase of your own or use “coffee, tea, or me” in your post. 

Featured image of ‘romantic love abstract’ by Claudia Dea on

Flirty Quote found on

One Liner Wednesday, May 13, 2020–Endurance

“In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.”-Albert Camus

‘Los Angeles County’s stay-at-home orders will “with all certainty” be extended for the next three months, county Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer…’  This to be gradually relaxed under a five-step plan. (May 12, 2020  L A Times)

I question my ability to endure this but tell myself ‘one day at a time.’

One Liner Wednesday, #1linerWeds, is hosted by Linda G Hill.

Featured image, ‘Summer Field New England’ by Larry White on

Quote from


“Maybe it’s just in America, but it seems that if you’re passionate about something, it freaks people out. You’re considered bizarre or eccentric. To me, it just means you know who you are.”
Tim Burton

Just Jot It January is hosted by Linda G Hill. Featured image is ‘Jame’s Flamingo mating ritual’ by Pedros Szekely on


Rachel Baum was looking forward to another opportunity to get out in the forest. Her job as a biologist at UC Berkeley was the study of the effect of climate change on Redwood trees. In recent years there was a growing alarm at the rapid changes in the California climate and how it was stressing the trees. Many felt it could be reaching a tipping point with how long the trees could adapt and survive. Her work sometimes required her to climb to the top of a 300 foot tree to check instruments that monitored the weather up in the canopy.
Rachel loved the spectacular views from the canopy and listening to the wind in the leaves. She came to the grove with another biologist who remained on the ground. Josh would send up any needed supplies with a pulley. There had been reports of a storm front moving in but Rachel and Josh thought they would have enough time. As she reached the top of the tree she heard a loud rumbling and looked up to see dark clouds rolling in.
“We better make this quick, Rachel,” Josh called over the two-way radio.
“I just want to check the fog monitor and then I will head down.”
Rachel was reaching over to the monitor when she saw the little Spotted Owl on a lower branch.

Female Spotted Owl

She was about to catch a quick photo when she felt the hair rise on the back of her neck. The lightning hit a nearby tree sending chunks of wood exploding through the air. A large piece hit Rachel.
Rachel was traveling through a tunnel. She felt the tunnel closing in on her body, squeezing. She thought she heard a young woman cry out and then she forgot about her life on Earth as she came into a new world. The midwife smiled as she welcomed this new life. Her parents named her Alexandria.

Alexandria Mata was one of the first babies born in the Mars colony. Her parents were part of the first colonists to live on Mars. They were both botanists working on plant cultivation. Growing up Alex liked exploring the gardens and small nature areas that were part of the biosphere. Her parents often found her reading her books under one of the few trees. Alex loved stories about trees. She grew up to be a botanist like her parents and her affinity for trees continued. Many of her contemporaries considered her a bit odd for her interest in Forest Biology because, as they told her, the forests are gone on Earth and there would be no forests on Mars. There was one friend who shared her interest in trees, Jeff Kimura. His focus was paleobotany, the study of fossil plants.

776px-Concept_Mars_colony NASA

Artist concept Mars Colony via NASA

Alex was working the day a small package arrived in a shipment from Earth. The contents of the box were not revealed by the label which said it had come from the University of California, Berkeley. As she opened it she found a note from a biologist. I hope you can find a home for this specimen of Sequoia Sempervirens and help this majestic spirit survive in the universe. Most of theses trees had been lost on Earth during the Great Drought of  2030-2045 when there were years of little rain with many months of wild fires. Global warming had denied the moisture giving fog to the giant trees and the drought dried out the soil and the surrounding undergrowth. The fires did the rest. Alex wanted to show the seedling to Jeff but he was at a dig site on Olympus Mons.

Olympus Mons was an old shield volcano and one of the tallest mountains in the solar system. Jeff’s team hoped that the volcano had some buried secrets in its slopes. They were looking for signs of earlier plant life on the planet.  Jeff knew Alex would be very interested in what they discovered, part of a fossilized forest.

“Jeff, this is fantastic, proof of ancient forests on Mars! When will you get some specimens back here?”

“We have them here now if you want to come over to my lab.”

” Right away!”

Word spread fast among the scientists and Alex found a large group in the Botany lab. The lead paleobotanist, Dr. Albero, was speaking. ” The microscopic evaluation of the fossils suggest these trees were ancestors of Sequoia Sempervirens, or Coast Redwoods.”

“How could Mars and Earth have the same trees? “ Alex thought, incredulous.

After the announcement people broke up into smaller groups to talk about the discovery. Jeff signaled to Alex. She walked over to a corner of the room where he was standing.

“Can you believe it, Coast Redwoods on Mars?

“We found a body.”

“What! Where?”

“We found a body buried near the trees.”

“What kind of body? What did it look like?”

“Like this.” Jeff showed Alex a photo he had stored on his communicator.

“Oh my God! This proves there were humanoids here on Mars.”

“Well there was one anyway.”

“Why wasn’t the discovery of this body announced?”

“Dr. Albero wants to discuss it with some higher-ups at NASA. He thinks this discovery might cause some panic in the colony.”

The colony leaders called for a community meeting the following week. Dr. Albero was asked to speak about the discovery.

“I know there have been rumors about the other discovery made on Olympus Mons. We found the body of a humanoid buried near the petrified forest. Further testing on the remains indicates that this humanoid is genetically related to us.”


The expedition found two planets in the solar system with environments compatible to their home world. They decided to introduce some of their flora prior to colonization to see if it could survive. They planted some seedlings from one of their most revered and beloved trees.


Ancient Coast Redwoods tower above hikers at Simpson Reed Grove Trail

“The redwoods, once seen, leave a mark or create a vision that stays with you always. No one has ever successfully painted or photographed a redwood tree. The feeling they produce is not transferable. From them comes silence and awe. It’s not only their unbelievable stature, nor the color which seems to shift and vary under your eyes, no, they are not like any trees we know, they are ambassadors from another time.” – John Steinbeck

More information about climate change and the Redwoods. And 100 Practical Ways to Reverse Climate Change: Drawdown.

Featured Image ‘Growth, plant’ by Antranias on Image of ‘Female Spotted Owl’ by Emily Brauwer of the US National Park Service via wikimedia. Image of ‘Petrified Wood,  Petrified Forest National Park, USA’ via Image of ‘Mummy’ from British Museum Collection by Klafubra on wikimedia. Image of Coast Redwoods in Redwood National Park via US National Park Service.

This post is part of the Write…Edit…Publish #WEP#ff December Challenge, The End is the Beginning hosted by Denise Covey, Yolanda Renee, Nilanjana Bose, and Olga Godim.

Word Count:  990 (excluding quote)

Full Critique


Can’t Cramp Her Style

The Giphy is taken from the film ‘All About Eve‘ with Bette Davis. It is about a forty-year old actress who is being sabotaged by a younger rival. This role did not cramp her style at all. Isn’t she gorgeous and not old or over the hill except maybe by Hollywood standards.

Anne Baxter (L) and Bette Davis (R) Young Marilyn Monroe lower center

“Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy night!”

Stream of Consciousness Saturday is hosted by Linda G Hill. Prompt word for today ‘cramp.’ Giphy via Image of Anne Baxter and Bette Davis from

Mothers And Daughters

“See, people come into your life for a reason. They might not know it themselves, why. You might not know it. But there’s a reason. There has to be”
Joyce Carol Oates

My mother in law was married on November 24, 1948. She did not know that her first daughter in law was being born a little over a week later. We did not meet each other for another 26 years. My future husband had talked me into driving down to Los Angeles with him after we had a big fight. She did not like me at first. He was her first-born and she was definitely not ready to relinquish him. I was the wrong religion. I would marry her son 3 years later. My mother in law had 4 sons and was used to a house full of males. It was a nice change to have me at the dinner table because I was appreciative of her cooking. She was my mother in law for forty years. She taught me how to make chicken soup. She helped me shop for my wedding gown and plan my wedding. I was her first daughter in law and I gave birth to her first grandchild, my son Scott. She first learned about being a mother in law with me. It was not always an easy relationship. Especially after my son was born and 4 years later my daughter, Kate. She had very strong opinions about many things including child rearing. I had my own ideas. As the years passed she became less critical and I became less sensitive. I suspected it might have been her experience with the next two daughter in-laws had taught her to be more diplomatic. Through it all, the holiday dinners, kid’s birthday parties, graduations, and major illnesses, my in-laws were always there. Both of my parents were gone and my children had only one set of grandparents, one grandmother. In her later years she developed dementia and gradually became less talkative. I think she still recognized me. She had often said she thought of me as the daughter she never had. My mother in law, Mary Lynn, passed away in the first hour of Thanksgiving day with most of her family around her. For a large part of my life she was the mother I never had.

One Liner Wednesday is hosted by Linda G Hill. Featured image is of the ‘Barbara Bush Rose’ via wikimedia.

Thanksgiving Dinner

“Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence.”
― Erma Bombeck

In prior years I have prepared an entire traditional American Thanksgiving dinner by myself. In more recent times it is a team effort of my husband, daughter and me. Our son is married and usually does not get involved in our preparations. This year we will be preparing the stuffed turkey and fresh cranberry sauce to take over to my daughter-in-laws parent’s house. My husband is happy as long I am making the turkey and the stuffing. The quote about Thanksgiving dinners rings true to me. I can remember cooking all day having my senses overloaded with all the aromas, then we would sit down and gobble up everything in minutes. I would think to myself All that work and it is over so fast!

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

One Liner Wednesday is hosted by Linda G Hill. Featured image of vintage Thanksgiving card via


“Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.”-Maya Angelou

Do we need to create another movement with slogans like Women’s Lives Matter or Women Own Their Bodies. So keep your paws off! Does it ever end? The recent incident has caused a welling up of stories from women who had been silenced by shame, fear, and intimidation. There is a sickening and grief that is shared with all of my gender all the way back to Eve.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday is hosted by Linda G Hill. Prompt word is “well.” Featured Image via

Coping With The Darkness

“One cannot be deeply responsive to the world without being saddened very often.”-Eric Fromm

So many tragedies have been occurring, one after the other. When I am presented with a major act of violence I find myself shutting it out. In defense, a wall rises to shut out the shock. It is too much to take in. All these tragedies, hurricanes, earthquakes, mass shootings. It has gotten to the point of seeming unreal. Shocked about the man made disasters more than the natural ones.

I could relate to this post on Introvert, Dear.  If you are sensitive and/or an empath you need to limit the amount of negative and disaster news you are exposed to. Do self care to manage the stress. It is ok to avoid the non-stop news. You can counter all this negativity by contributing your positive energy to the world in a way of your choosing.

Featured image of Leaves by Robert Pascal on

Stop Looking At Closed Doors

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”-Helen Keller

This has been true in my life and maybe in yours too. We can get stuck looking at that closed door.  Better to seek out the open ones that are still waiting for us.

One Liner Wednesday is hosted by Linda G Hill. Featured image of Door by Tama66 on