Simple Choices

I most often want to finish a book I have started before starting a new one. I don’t like to give up on a book even if it seems like a slow start or I can’t get into it. These are rules of reading I have followed and don’t know how I started to believe in them. A small way of imposing order in my world maybe. But lately I have decided that if I am not enjoying a book, I will stop reading it. I do not want to waste my time. Is it because I am older and don’t feel like I have all the time in the world left to me? I made the decision to get most of my books from the local public library but find myself ordering more books online as well. I like having more time to finish a book and not waiting on a long wait list to get a popular and or new release from the library. I still get books from the library if they are not recent releases. I just splurged on the latest Michael Connelly book but was practical and patient to order the latest John Grisham book from the library. I ordered John Grisham’s book from last year as well and picked it up from the library. I had started the Connelly book but decided to get started on the Grisham book because I knew I would have to return it and I know I have more time in the world to read a book I own.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday, #SOCS, is hosted by Linda G Hill. The prompt today “ for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “choices.” Base your post on the subject of making small, uneventful choices. “

Featured image is ‘Take Your Choice’ by John Frederick Peto (1854-1907) in the National Gallery of Art via

10 thoughts on “Simple Choices

  1. Madeeha

    Hi Deborah,
    It’s not that you’re getting old, it’s something which happens to anyone with books.

    One thing you can do is to read with the feeling of enjoyment because when we’re reading with this thing in mind that we have to complete certain book, we soon find ourselves loosing interest in that book.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. IreneDesign2011

    I do also stop reading, if the book can’t catch my attention in a good way. I give it a chance for a while, but if it still isn’t that catching, I put it away.
    I don’t wish to waste my life at a not so interesting book.
    Another thing, I find it difficult to concentrate for so long time to end a book. I hope, this will become better, as I really love to read, Deborah.

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    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I know what you mean. Not too long ago I hadn’t read a whole book for quite a while because I was reading so much other stuff, like other blogs or short articles or watching really good streaming shows and I thought maybe I don’t have the attention span for books. Well I did get back into reading. I do still watch streaming video too. There is a lot of competition for my time with all these choices. Thank you, Irene. 🙂

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  3. Yolanda Renee

    I admit to speed reading if I have to get through a book that won’t hold my attention but give me a great story and I lose myself in it. Now I waste most of my time watching the waves. Meditation is so much better then. And new ideas form so much easier, so it’s really not a waste, is it?

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    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      Hi Yolanda Renee. Nice to hear from you. I agree that we need quiet time to allow ourselves some peace and inspiration. I know what you mean about a great story. It’s really fun to be drawn in to a page turner. 🙂

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