Tag Archives: #Sugary foods

Tiger Tale

I read that Chile has banished Tony the Tiger as part of their campaign to change the dietary habits of their country. I grew up with Tony the Tiger, Frosted Flakes, and other too sweet cereals myself. I can’t blame Tony for any bad eating habits I have acquired over the years.

Tony the Tiger via giphy.com

There were so many choices when I was growing up: Sugar Pops, Lucky Charms, Cocoa Puffs. But I wasn’t “Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs”,

via giphy.com

or even for Lucky Charms and the Leprechaun.

But the ads probably do influence kids. I remember the commercials were shown during the times when kids shows were on, like Saturday morning cartoons. I do think I miss Tony the Tiger saying “Frosted Flakes are GRRRREAT!!!! And that’s the end of my tale.

Did you have any favorite, too sugarly, cereals when you were a kid or even now?

Stream of Consciousness Saturday is hosted by Linda G Hill. Today’s prompt words: tail/tale. Use one or both. Featured image ‘tiger meme’ by Meme Binge on Flickr. Gifs via giphy.com