Areas Of Critical Environmental Concern

ACEC is a designation given by The US Bureau of Land Management to provide protection to “important resource values. These values vary…and can include things like rock art, endangered plants, wildlife habitat or even spectacular scenery.” (Bureau of Land Use Management)

There is a photo album on Flickr with some great photos of some of the places that are areas deemed worth protection and the public can make recommendations for places to be included. I was thinking about a place not too far from where I live that was damaged by vandals during the recent government shutdown because the Park Rangers were laid off. It is sad that some people are so destructive of our public lands. They must be sick in their souls. If these beautiful places are allowed to be destroyed they will be forever lost to us all.

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Stream of Consciousness Saturday is hosted by Linda G Hill. The prompt word for today is ‘critic(al).’

18 thoughts on “Areas Of Critical Environmental Concern

  1. Jackie

    I read or heard somewhere once that the more time people spend creating, the less likely they are to be destructive. Not sure if it’s the redirecting of energy, or if it that the creative process itself heals.

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    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I wanted to demonstrate why our parks and open beautiful areas need protection and children need to be educated about it. There were some volunteers who went in during the shutdown and after and did some cleanup but some damage can not be easily fixed.

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  2. JoAnna

    It’s so hard to understand why someone would do this, how they could not value the beauty so clear and dear to most of us. Thank you for advocating for these beautiful natural places.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I am in awe of our natural resources and love looking at these photos by the National Park Service and US Bureau of Land Management. They uplift me and restore my faith in some of the people working for our government and caring our open spaces. I don’t know what motivates people to be destructive or maybe it is just plain ignorance. 🙂

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    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I think there is something sick about it, about the people that do destructive stuff and maybe ignorance. But not matter what I think we need our Park Rangers on the job so they monitor these places for bad actors or just plain irresponsible people.


    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I don’t like grafitti on anything. People want to say ‘here I am, or I was here’ or ‘this is my gang logo’. But we all need to respect and take care of our parks and open spaces.


  3. daniellatoth

    Hey, I’m making a blog about environmental issues on my page for a school project, and I need to have interactions with people in the comments. If you could take second just to ask a question or gives feedback on one of my posts that would be great! 🙂

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