Don’t Egg Me On

“Don’t egg me on,” which means don’t get me started, don’t encourage me to do or say something. I can really get on my soapbox on several issues. Many times it is something I read in the online political and news sites that can set me off. One of my annual beefs is Daylight Savings Time. When my husband announced it was DST starting again this past weekend, I said, “Oh no, it’s not starting already? It seems like Standard Time is over so soon!” Actually, Standard Time is shorter since 2005 in the US when DST was extended by 5 weeks. It used to be from May to October and then our government, in their great wisdom, extended it from March to November. Now my excellent state of California is trying to abolish DST in California. Please make it happen! It turns out DST leads to more heart attacks, strokes and car accidents and doesn’t really save more energy. And our bodies do not really adjust to it. It just adds more stress.


And another thing:

I do a lot of reading about issues facing my generation. A big one is ageism and how it has impacted people’s lives. It is not just that you have to suffer society’s negative stereotypes and attitudes, it affects your ability to hold on to your job and to find employment. There are so many articles written advising people about jobs that may be open to them or suited to their situation, and stage in life. A popular recommendation is about “gigs,” or short term, part-time, temp work that does not offer benefits.

original The New Gig

I have seen this recommendation more than once when reading about jobs for older people, drive for Uber. I wonder how many older women would want to drive a taxi. Actually, you use your own car which could be another headache. It seems that there would be more wear and tear on the car and greater chance of accidents,( especially if it is during DST.) So there goes your insurance rates. It would be pretty stressful in an urban area unless you like the challenge of driving crowded freeways and city streets with all the crazy drivers. It would be nice if job suggestions were in touch with reality.


This post is my contribution to Stream of Consciousness Saturday hosted by Linda G Hill. The prompt for today is “egg.”

Taxi image by used to make this cartoon  Angel and Egg image by Pixabay too.

SoCS badge 2015




22 thoughts on “Don’t Egg Me On

  1. summerstommy2

    For the most part where I live DST is fine, well for me it is except right now as we are heading to the end of it. I love to walk of a morning but at present the sun doesn’t come up until after 6.30am and so I have to go off walking in the dark and I’m not all that keen about that….the chance of falling, tripping and injury are greater I think. In a few weeks we will put our clocks back and ready ourselves for our winter months which thankfully around here are pretty mild but a welcome change to the hot days we have been having….so have a good day Deborah….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I think you like the wee hours of the morning. I usually like spending them under the covers. I can see that walking in the dark would not be the best unless you have a good flashlight. I know the weather where you are is the opposite of where I am. Although, we have had unpredictable weather here. Right now it is clear blue skies with sunshine and 72 degrees. Our summers can get pretty hot too. Have a good day too, Michael. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. luckyjc007

    Great write…I agree about both…I would welcome the daylight savings done away with …if you travel early in the morning, as I do, it’s dark with DS time. I’m not sure I would want to trust Uber..Too many things involved with that kind of transportation.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Priceless Joy

    I agree with you on both of these issues! I hate having the time change twice a year. My body never does adjust to it. I say keep it as one or the other. And, older citizens do have it harder than the younger people in searching for jobs. It’s really sad!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      Yes, I realized that is why I felt that the Standard Time period was so short, because it is. I think I am still in the drowsy stage still. I always feel like celebrating when we change back or Fall Back to Standard time. 🙂



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