More Power

More power to the people. This sounds like a slogan for the oppressed but I am talking about electrical power. We have had 4 power outages in 24 hours. One was just as I finished cleaning up the dinner dishes and found myself standing in a pitch black room. I made my way over to the cupboard where we keep the flashlights and first found one with dead batteries. My husband had another outside with him, but eventually I found one that worked. We are heading into a heat wave this weekend and not looking forward to more outages. There was one nice effect of living by flashlight. We set up 2 little flash lights in our bedroom and I really liked the softer light in our room. Makes me want to find lamps or light bulbs with softer light. The flashlight is such an important device. It was invented by David Misell in 1899. A bright idea!

I am ready for the next blackout

Stream of Consciousness Saturday, #SOCS, is hosted by Linda G Hill. The prompt for today is to start your post with the word ‘more.’

Image of the first Flashlight Patent from US Patent Office via

14 thoughts on “More Power

  1. dawnkinster

    i hope you don’t have more outages! I think that flashlights almost always have dead batteries, it’s a rule or something. We finally bought a whole house generator, which was expensive but so worth it. It makes me less scared to be here on my own when he’s off working somewhere. And when we travel we don’t worry either. We’re on a well, so when the power was out we didn’t have water, which ended up being one of the biggest problems. I remember one winter hauling water from a pond across the street so that we could flush toilets. No fun. No fun without air conditioning either…so I hope you guys are doing OK!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      That is hard to have your water go out too. Here the power often goes out during the hottest weather and then no AC. It makes sense because their is such a huge demand for power during those times. But it doesn’t make it any easier. We try to be conscientious and not use the washer and dryer during the heat of the day. We are maintaining but the pandemic in wearing on us all. Our power is back on now. Hope you are ok where you are, too.


  2. Dan Antion

    We had a 10-day power outage back in 2011. We have plenty of flashlights, and it was interesting when the light from them seemed better than the normal lighting.

    I hope you have power enough to stay cool this weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      Yikes, 10 days. We have had a day here and there. Yes, the light was pretty nice. I was reading a book with a little flashlight and it was fine too. The power came back late yesterday afternoon and it has been working so far. It is pretty crazy without it in the heat. We really do rely on it in the summer.


  3. JoAnna

    We’ve had almost two weeks without electricity during hurricanes. Usually it’s just a few days, though. I try to think of what people did before electricity. I hope you are cool and comfortable.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      Ugh, 2 weeks. When it’s off for a longer time you have to worry about the food in the fridge. Probably through it all out or put it in a cooler. I think of what life was like as well. Here they must have been very hot. We have the power back now. We are ok. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. JoAnna

        I’m glad you’re okay! We ate stuff from the freezer for dinner tonight. Just in case the storm takes our electricity. But I try to remember that even if we lose electricity, we still have power. 🙂

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