Checking In

Each morning I check my email and read one or two newspapers online. Not every word but I skim through and pick out a few articles. The LA Times has a Coronavirus newsletter. We are stuck in place here waiting for some good news. They say it will take a couple of weeks to see if the steps taken now will slow the virus. We seem to take one step forward and two steps back. I know I am lucky to have a roof over me ,enough food, and my health so far. I have gotten very tired of washing dishes, though. I always found housework very tedious, but what am I complaining about. I am alive, I can read books, look out at my backyard and see the hummingbirds that visit the sage bushes every day, do some genealogy research, take walks with my daughter, and do online exercise. I even ordered some dumbbell weights, small ones. You’ll have to check back with me later to see how I am progressing with the exercise. I am starting with the little blue ones.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday, #SOCS, is hosted by Linda G Hill. The prompt words for today check/checque/Czech.

7 thoughts on “Checking In

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I bought the resistance bands for an online class and then it was cancelled. But I am ready if any of the classes call for them. 🙂 I found some 10 minute exercise videos and I think I will start there.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. markbialczak

    Stay safe and be well. Deborah. I’m keeping my fingers crossed every day that New York does not revert back to the bad contagious spread of the beginning months of the crisis, and I wish hard for a reversal in all states that are battling increased spread now. We need to get through this as a country.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      It feels unreal, this whole epidemic. If this virus is given a chance it spreads very fast. I hope that New York does not get it back and that all the rest of the country can contain it soon. Stay safe and healthy too, Mark.




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