Weekend Coffee Share #25-Not Quite Into The New Normal

Coffee’s ready. Grab a cup and pull up a chair. We have cinnamon toast today. If we were having coffee I would tell you it has cooled down some this week, as low as 102 degrees F on Wednesday with some rain showers. We are heading back up into the teens on Saturday. It was good to have some rain and I am pretty sure the citrus trees appreciated it. Some of the leaves on the grapefruit were getting puckered with 120 degrees. I love the smell of the earth after the rain. I went to check the mail box one late afternoon during the high heat and there was a hot wind blowing as well. I thought I was going to burn up right there. I did take an early morning walk this week. I did not see any roadrunners.

We were hopeful for a smooth transition from lock down to post-COVID life. We had a setback just after opening here. We had just had week one of the end of restrictions and I had gone to a couple of yoga classes without a mask, when we received an email from the HOA telling us that a person who tested positive for COVID had been inside both club houses in our community. It made me realize that COVID is still out there and close to home. But I have been telling myself that I have to trust the the vaccine is providing all the protection I need and I have to re-enter society eventually. How long am I going to wait? So I am continuing to take the beginning steps. I went to the grocery store again but I still didn’t feel comfortable getting too close to other customers. I keep reading in the paper that fully vaccinated people are protected even against the new Delta variant, so I will try to remember that.

The book group I recently joined is still meeting on Zoom until the Fall. Meeting on Zoom feels like being on camera, which it is, and a bit outside my comfort zone. I didn’t realize it would have this effect on me. It feels a bit like public speaking when we discuss the books and it is awkward for me. I have to get accustomed to it. It’s easier for me to express myself in writing.

Speaking of books, I am reading ‘While Justice Sleeps’ by Stacey Abrams. It takes place in current times and it is an engaging suspense thriller involving a Supreme Court Justice and the government intrigue he and his clerk are swept up in. Stacey is an articulate speaker and talented writer as well.

Weekend Coffee Share is hosted by Natalie of Natalie the Explorer.

19 thoughts on “Weekend Coffee Share #25-Not Quite Into The New Normal

  1. Cynthia

    Hi Debbie, we’re going to be reading ‘When Justice Sleeps’ in my book group too. I’m looking forward to It.
    Stay cool. I’m still being very cautious too.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jo

    When Justice Sleeps sounds like a great read. Unfortunately, we’ve been quite complacent here in Australia regarding vaccinations – mainly because (aside from lockdowns in the southern states) life for most of us has been relatively unchanged – where I live in Queensland masks have only been required in the airports. We need to get those vaccination numbers up though or our borders will remain closed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      It is a good book. The way I understand about the vaccines, if you are unvaccinated you are going to be susceptible to the variants that are more contagious. And if the infections keep spreading around the virus has an opportunity to keep mutating and getting worse. So it increases the danger for everyone. Hope all the unvaccinated people in my state and yours see the light. Thanks for stopping by, Jo.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Susanne

    Yes, that transition back to normal life will be a hard and scary one. I’ll be very cautious too but need to try to trust the vaccine like you. I’m going to receive my second vaccine in three days so I’m really looking forward to that. I’m sorry to hear about that person in your yoga class facilities, that must have been scary. But you’re right, we must try to re-enter society. I hope you’ll have a good weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      Just have to hope that we don’t have continued outbreaks with the people who are not vaccinated and more people finally get vaccinated. Thanks for stopping by, Susanne.


  4. Writing Sparkle

    Sorry to hear about your COVID scare. Sadly it is hear to stay, and although I am hopefully I don’t think “normal” will ever be quite the same as we remember it. Stay safe! Thanks for the virtual coffee.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Natalie

    It’s the transition time post-vaccine for some of us who have received full dose. I heard about the heat wave on the west coast. Stay safe. Thank you for your book suggestion and for linking with #weekendcoffeeshare.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Kirstin

    haha..you made me hungry for cinnamon toast so I had to pause my reading and go make some. I love the smell after a good rain too. Our temps here in SW Washington state have been horrible the last few days. We’re not used to it and many cooling units in stores, restaurants, etc can’t handle it. Yesterday got up to 108 or 110, and today is supposed to be 112. We may close early at work. I’m thankful we have AC but many homes don’t have it.

    The book group I joined last year was doing zoom for awhile and it was out of my comfort zone. I didn’t like seeing myself on the screen. We’ve met in person twice now. How did you like that book? It was on the list of choices for our july read but didn’t get enough votes, I think we’ll be reading “The last thing he told me”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      Sounds pretty hot to me. Hopefully not humid too. I really liked ‘While Justice Sleeps.’ It was fast paced and interesting. Hope you enjoy your book too. I guess I’m not the only one who feels strange with Zoom book clubs. Thanks for coming by for coffee, Kirstin.


  7. Julie

    Stacey Abrams is incredibly articulate — incredible speaker and writer — someone I aspire to be. Did you know she also moonlighted as a romance novel writer under the nom de plume Selena Montgomery?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I am a fan of hers too. I recently heard her on a Webster’s Dictionary online book discussion, an she mentioned she had written other books. I want to check it out. I did not know she used a nom de plume. Thanks for stopping by, Julie.



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