
“California continues to see dramatic increases in people hospitalized with the virus, with 2,300 patients in the state. Another 3,267 people hospitalized are suspected of having COVID-19, but are awaiting testing results.

Overnight, the number of coronavirus patients in California’s intensive care unit beds rose nearly 11% to 1,008 people.”

Barbara Ferrer, director of the L A County Department of Public Health “said  Friday that L.A. County should expect to see 1,000 new coronavirus cases a day in the coming weeks and that the key to keeping the rate of spread manageable was for the public to stay largely at home.” (April 4, 2020, LA Times)

I have been following the IHME (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation) of University of Washington projection graphs for the estimated peaks of cases, compared with available resources. Each day I receive a newsletter from the LA Times that updates the local numbers. Los Angeles county numbers have been rising sharply the past couple of days which could be related to increased testing. It is just hard to see numbers rising even though it is not as severe as New York. But we don’t know the real number of cases because not enough tests have been done yet. I feel the tension rising with the numbers.

Relying on grocery delivery now to avoid going to markets in person. There are several days wait time to get the orders because the stores are having high demand. I am grateful that we can order groceries and have enough food to eat, that my kids are close by, and that we are all well.

What Day Is It Anyway? , #WDIIA, is hosted by Linda G Hill

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge 2020,

Featured image ‘Storm clouds gathering’ by Zooey on


6 thoughts on “Estimations

  1. Susan Scott

    hi Deborah glad to hear you’re safe and well. My good wishes are with you and family. I’m not doing the A to Z this year but I’ll pop by every now and then to check you out. Stay well 🌺

    Liked by 1 person

  2. dawnkinster

    Last night on the news they told us that we, here in Michigan, are slightly ahead of California in #s of cases. Sad….for everyone. Most of Michigan’s cases are in the city of Detroit, about an hour from me, but we have plenty in my county too, so I feel much better if I don’t go anywhere, or let my husband go anywhere. Of course that means we’re in the house at the same time, and in our 30 years of marriage, he worked nights, I worked days, we never really had to co-exist like this. Will be interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I keep reading the next few weeks are going to be hard. It is good to stay in. My husband works from home and I am retired so we have practice. The stress of this crisis has made us lose our tempers more easily but we are aware of it and work on it.



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