SOCS-Older Women Are Invisable

Most older women are not visible in modern media. Women who are aging naturally that is. We don’t see many older actresses and models. Women drop off the radar and start to disappear as they get older. Wouldn’t you like to know more about them? Wouldn’t you like to hear their stories? Who are they? According to Beauty Redefined , in their great post, they have been shunned by main stream media. They have been “symbolically annihilated.”

That sounds like science fiction. Something The Borg would say. “We are The Borg. You have been symbolically annihilated. Resistance is futile!” But looks like it is not science fiction. If you are an older woman you will not see yourself in popular magazine ads, in Hollywood films or on TV. Unless you have had a lot of “work done” to make you look much younger. There may be a few token older women on display but they are in the minority. Kind of like endangered species in the zoo.

Then there are all the negative messages for women about letting yourself look your natural age. Messages bombarding us about anti-wrinkle creams, botox, hair color, diets, and plastic surgery.

“What would happen if confident, happy, beautiful women decided to forego painful and expensive anti-aging procedures, breast lifts and enhancements, liposuction, all-over hair removal or tanning regimens? How could that change the way their daughters, students, friends, nieces and coworkers perceived themselves and their own “flawed,” lined, real faces? How could simply owning (and treating kindly and speaking nicely about) our so-called “imperfect” bodies affect not only our own lives, but those over whom we have influence? Is it possible to slowly but deliberately change the perception of these “flaws” as something to shame, hide and fix at any cost to something acceptable and embraceable in all their human, womanly real-ness?” (Beauty Redefined)

Yes what would happen? The “beauty” industry would self-destruct. I do like to be optimistic, enthusiastic, and hopeful about change. I think I can imagine the change beginning. I think I hear it. Robotic voice in background, “The self-destruct sequence is initiated….”

This is my contribution to Stream of Consciousness Saturday.


27 thoughts on “SOCS-Older Women Are Invisable

  1. Yolanda Renee

    As one of those aging women it’s wonderful to read the truth. A man gets older and wiser, women get older and begin to disappear. I think we are a long way off, especially when you consider that KK makes a living on her looks. And the younger generation look to her as an example to follow.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      Thank You Yolanda. Yes it is pretty tough on women and I think it takes a lot of strength on our parts to cope with it all. We have to hold our heads up high. Many of the younger generations are not as superficial as we may think thank goodness.


  2. Dan Antion

    One of the most influential people in my life was my paternal grandmother. A woman who was invisible to the world her entire life. I don’t think she ever owned any makeup, and she cared more that clothing was practical than fashionable. Still, she survived circumstances that would have scared most men. It’s sad that anybody gets lost or is made to feel to be less important based on outward appearance.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      In reality older people have so much to give and wisdom to share. The main stream has lost sight of so much and is a bit sick. It is great you had this relationship with your grandmother. There are many people who are not “seen” by the bigger world but who mean the world to the people whose lives they touch. I think I would prefer to be like them. Thanks Dan. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. LDG luciledegodoy

        Deborah, you wouldn’t believe but you haven’t been the only one this month telling me that! WP has flagged me as spam! My comments have no links, which would make me a potential spammer, but who knows what happened.
        I check regularly my spam messages and frequently find many regular bloggers there too.
        Thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Prajakta

    Well said! There is an expiry date that is attached with women… Once they are past that age, they really disappear. Worst is that their past successes and glory is also forgotten. Fickle world

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      Thanks Prajakta ❤ Well the main stream is pretty superficial much of the time. We have to look around and look deeper to find older people and older women. And we have to work to keep from being demoralized but the main stream superficiality and prejudice.


  4. patgarcia

    All I can say is thank you. Our treatment of older women is deplorable. Who says that an older woman can’t have a life? If we ignore the older woman and let her be defined by a society that denies aging, then we have lost the true essence of what it means to gain wisdom.

    Liked by 1 person


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