
If we were having coffee, I would tell you I can’t believe it’s April already. The months have sped by but felt like a crawl. Is it coming out of Covid, which we haven’t completely come out of yet? The Spring is all about new beginnings, growth. We really do need new beginnings.

April 1 aka April Fool’s Day here in the US.

‘The Fool’ tarot card by Midnight Believer on Flickr.com

The Fool tarot card says, ‘let go of preconceived ideas and remain open to change, new beginnings.’

Featured image of California desert poppy wildflowers titled ‘Let’s go there’ by Rennett Stowe on Flickr.com

Weekend Coffee Share is hosted by Natalie at Natalie the Explorer

14 thoughts on “April

  1. Melis

    I do believe it feels like time is speeding up again after feeling like the slowest of slogs for a very.long.time. It may be the hope of spring…or it may be that with COVID seemingly moved to the back burner (by many) people and activities are just feeling… *different*. Whatever it is, I’ll take the hope of it as long as I can do so safely 🙂 I hope your week shapes up nicely!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Gary A Wilson

    Hi Deb.

    Yep – spring is picking up momentum here too. In some ways, I’m feeling healthier than I have in a long time, but yet another birthday does remind me that I can’t avoid the fact much longer that I’ve collected quite a few birthdays now and their glow is dimming.

    I loved that photo of the desert poppy. We have a variety of poppy here too in Sonoma County, California and I even have a story involving them that you might enjoy. This one goes back to the days when my age was way down in the single digits and I had only the understanding of a child while trying to process a problem well beyond my ability to understand or cope with.

    The Poppies are Back

    thanks for the visit. You always improve my days.




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