What Kind Of Books Do You Like?

If we were having coffee, I would tell you I am not feeling optimistic about the book club I joined. One problem is there are times when the book I am asked to read feels like a penance. That is how it is with the latest book. To call it wordy would be an understatement. It smothers you in a mudslide of metaphors. It’s like the author feels he has to give you a paragraph of metaphors for every statement he makes. I have been dutifully trying to finish the book, but I ask myself if my life may be too short in my later years to take the time for it. There was at least one book last year that I stopped reading at the beginning. I did belong to a book group at the local library a few years back that focused on mysteries. I think I would enjoy a group with that focus more.

Do you enjoy book groups? What type of books do you like most?

Weekend Coffee Share is hosted by Natalie at Natalie the Explorer.

Featured image ‘Blossoming almond branch glass with book’ by Van Gogh via Ergs Art on Flickr.com

29 thoughts on “What Kind Of Books Do You Like?

  1. Natalie

    If a book doesn’t grab my attention, I move on to another book. There are many great books out there and life’s too short to be stuck with a book I dislike. That’s too bad about your current book club. If you like mysteries, why not start your own book club or find another club? Thank you for your #weekendcoffeeshare.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Denyse Whelan Blogs

    I admit I read what I think I will learn from and about. I cannot read to ‘get lost’ at my age…70s. I did that as a teen. I am more of an audible fan these days and get through a lot of books and can re listen. Love that too. Denyse #weekendcoffeeshare

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  3. Thistles and Kiwis

    The book club I am part of through work is good – we pick a theme eg the title of the book has to have a colour in it, a book by NZ author, a book set in a certain place. It gives plenty of scope, means we all read things we like but also introduce each other to new genres.

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  4. Susanne

    Book clubs can be very annoying because people are so different in what books they like. I much prefer to decide for myself what to read, and have the freedom to stop and move on to another book if I don’t like it.

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  5. Astrid

    I wouldn’t personally read a book that was too wordy even if it were for a book club. I think you may not have found the right book group indeed. That being said, I’m not part of any book groups, because I am a true mood reader.

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  6. Writing Sparkle

    I have thought about joining a book club. I like the discussions, but I agree sometimes the books aren’t a hit with my reading style. I like reading fantasy and some mystery. Great coffee share, thanks for the virtual coffee.

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  7. Gary A Wilson

    Hi Deborah,
    I had to laugh. I loved the book, “Atlas Shrugged” but the author, Ayn Rand, was the worse I’ve ever read at doing what your new book club book author is doing to you, and that without the literary brownie points of finishing “Atlas Shrugged”. I really did love the book, but some of her single thoughts and paragraphs that went on for pages and pages made me want to scream – okay! I got it already – several pages ago. Can we continue with the story now? No! Fine – I’ll just skim forward until you feel ready to PROGRESS THE STORY. . . !
    Her thoughts were timeless and as prophetic as any modern day prophet is – but wow – did she love her own printed words or what?
    I rarely abandon a book, once I’ve started it, but long ago, I gave myself permission to do so when the author seemed to be so determined to drive me away.

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    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I enjoy it more when the book grabs my attention at the beginning and doesn’t let go until the end. I really admire the ability to create a beautiful metaphorical phrase but it can definitely be overdone. I like it better if they are sprinkled sparingly throughout.


  8. spanishwoods

    I love to read, BUT I don’t do well with the group mentality of a book club. Also, I agree with your assessment that maybe there just isn’t enough time to indulge in the reading of things one doesn’t enjoy. If a book doesn’t grab my attention relatively quickly, then I’m done. And if I’m just not enjoying it, I see absolutely no reason to continue. Reading is so filled with pleasure and happiness for me, I don’t want anything to make it into something to dread. And this is exactly how I perceive having to read a book in a book club.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      We are definitely of like minds. There isn’t a rule in my group that we have to finish the book, but I hope that I like more of the books than less. Have to see how it goes and if I will stay.


  9. Bette A. Stevens

    i belong to the Book Club at my local library. Although literary and historical fiction are my favorites, it’s great to stretch my scope and I definitely enjoy the discussions. A great experience although there have been a few books that I just couldn’t get into… I’ve been with the club since 2009.

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  10. Melis

    Oh, that’s hard. My two cents: Drop the book and drop the club. Life is too short (no matter how long it is) to spend time on things that don’t feed our head and/or hearts in a positive way. I personally love books written in the first person and have most recently been into series that are *easy reads. The world is too heavy for me to also dive into heavy books. I’m currently on book 7 of the Outlander series and am thoroughly enjoying them!

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  11. kirstin

    That is hard when you’re a part of a book club and the books just aren’t “clicking”. I like most books but not really sci-fi and I do have a hard time with books like Pride and Prejudice, that style and language of writing. I’ll give most things a try but I hate when I spend money on a book and then am disappointed. My current book club will be picking a memoir next, so it’ll be interesting to see what the choices are going to be.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I am coming to the conclusion that with this type of book club there are going to be books I am not crazy about. It was nice to meet the members last week, so maybe I can be happy with the socialization part. You make a good point about buying books that may disappoint you. Probably good to buy paperbacks. One thing is this group tries to read books that are not new releases, so the price of the paperback is not too much. Or you could check it out at the library. Thanks for stopping by, Kirstin.



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