My Corner Of The World

In my corner of the world we are told we are now an epicenter of the pandemic. I read in the LA Times every day now that our hospitals are overcapacity with people waiting to get in. I stay sheltered in place pretty much receiving grocery deliveries at my door which I have done for months. I feel fortunate that I can stay at home and have been able to avoid infection up to now. Yet there are people who still refuse to take this seriously. I can understand the fatigue with it all. We started the first lockdown in March. When you can’t see the virus affecting people close to you it is easy to deny it is a threat. We all want to say it is a New Year and the pandemic is behind us. It isn’t behind us yet.

by Zakhx150 on

Stream of Consciousness Saturday, #SOCS, is hosted by Linda G Hill. The prompt for today is ‘in the corner.’

16 thoughts on “My Corner Of The World

  1. Kat

    Happy New Year, Deborah! My sister is near LA and like you, has been sheltering in place with groceries delivered. Walks, video chats and baking keep her busy when she’s not working remotely. Here’s hoping that people start getting a clue and do what’s right. Stay safe and healthy!

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    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      The LA County Public Health officials say our stay at home order for December seems to be helping but all are worried about another surge from Christmas and New Year holidays. It is hard to see how people can be in denial but some of them still are even with our hospitals running low on oxygen. The Army Corp of Engineers is coming in to about 6 hospitals to work on their oxygen pipe system. Thank you, Kat.

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  2. bikerchick57

    Glad you are staying safe, Deborah. I have been doing he same as you since March – either ordering food and essentials for delivery or doing curbside pickup. I don’t go out to restaurants or stores, but I suppose that has helped with not spending money unecessarily. Keep the faith and your resilience. We can do this until it’s safe to resume a somewhat normal life again.

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  3. J-Dub

    Doing our part is all any of us can do. I think you’re onto something about the why. If you can’t see it and don’t know anyone personally with it, believing we’re out of the woods becomes easier.

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  4. annanolan2014

    That’s exactly how I feel, Deborah: our situation is very similar, and, with infections sky-rocketing, we’ve entered another lockdown. There are, however, some people who appear not to take this seriously and flout the rules. I would welcome more emphasis on responsibility and less on individual rights. Stay safe and well! xxx

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    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      It’s bad but I read today the officials are hopeful that just maybe our stay at home in December helped slow it a bit. Waiting to see what happens with post-holiday surges. Thank you, Laura.




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