Frou Frou

Sarah Bernhardt via Wikimedia

Her dress was a fantastical frou frou fantasy, covered with a collection of geegaws, dodads, and whatnots. It could stand up by itself in the closet of her dressing room. It rustled so loudly that it drowned out the voices of the other actors. It was almost like another character in the play. It took all her acting skill to keep the dress from upstaging her. It was so heavy that it was hard for her to even moo….ve.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday is hosted by Linda G Hill. Word prompt for today ” moo” or a word that rhymes with it.


8 thoughts on “Frou Frou

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      Yes, the dress is the definition of frou frou, isn’t it? She was in a play called ‘Frou frou.’ I don’t know much more about it. But I read it was a play she did here in America. 🙂




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