#GiveForGrandma This Holiday | NCOA

The National Council on Aging has started this holiday campaign and is reporting the sad statistic that half of the older women in the United States are struggling to meet their basic financial needs. Women are particularly vulnerable because they are the ones who stay home to take care of their families or take time off to take care of their parents. This effects the amount of Social Security and pension benefits women are able to accumulate in a lifetime. Add to that the loss of financial support due to divorce, job loss, or death and illness of a spouse.

AARP has a campaign as well to help financially strapped seniors and a link to help people determine what benefit programs they are eligible for.

AARP Foundation helps provide assistance to seniors with food, housing and income assistance.

This holiday, donate to NCOA to support grandmas in need. A $1 donation to NCOA can connect a struggling grandma with $60 in benefits to pay for daily needs.

Source: #GiveForGrandma This Holiday | NCOA

Or give to a charity of your choice that helps seniors and get involved in your community.



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