Weekend Coffee Share #24-Odds and Ends

Coffee’s up. Today it’s Peets French Roast. Grab a cup and pull up a chair. If we were having coffee I would tell you we are in the middle of a heat wave here. It is already 100 degrees F at 8:30 AM. I did do a couple of early morning walks this week, but I would have to get up really early to get out when it was cool today. And I did not wake up early because my husband and I were binge watching ‘Mere of Easttown’ last night until midnight.

Have you ever tried cleaning a barbeque, grills and other parts, after the grease has baked on. I bought this non-toxic spray foam that is supposed to remove it all, but it takes a lot of scrubbing and the addition of Brillo pads. And all the baked on stuff didn’t come off. I researched grill cleaning tips online and one suggestion was to put the grills in the bathtub to soak. I can tell you that is not going to happen. I bought another brand of non-toxic grill cleaner and I will let you know how it works.

We re-opened in California this past Tuesday. I took my first Yoga class without a mask on Tuesday morning. It was the first time I saw the instructor’s whole face. The class was not crowded and I felt comfortable. When I walked into a local market on Wednesday morning it looked like the staff and customers were all wearing masks. I thought I had missed some information about the mask wearing rules. I almost went back to my car to grab a mask and then decided I would just pick up one item I needed and make a quick exit. When I got to the check out I asked the cashier about it and she told me if I was vaccinated I did not have to wear a mask but the staff were still wearing masks. The same thing happened at the bank. There was still a sign outside the bank that said face coverings and social distancing were required. So this time I went back to the car and grabbed a mask. When I asked the teller about it she said the employees were continuing to wear masks but I did not have to. Seems like not everyone is ready to go without a mask yet and I don’t blame them. Customers are not required to show proof of vaccination.

I was thinking about how the roadrunners were doing in this heat. I read that they are very adapted to the desert and take shelter when it’s really hot. I only saw one this week on one of my early morning walks.

There are cool places for the roadrunners to hang out in this area.

Roadrunner near pond in shade

Weekend Coffee Share is hosted by Natalie of Natalie the Explorer.

25 thoughts on “Weekend Coffee Share #24-Odds and Ends

  1. tidalscribe.com

    We are still wearing masks in shops, hospitals and on public transport – the end of the ‘roadmap’ in England has been delayed for a month. Cafes are open and when you sit down you can take your mask off to eat – but then it is easy to forget to put it back on. The other day I was quite excited to actually have a cup of coffee in a department store, then realised later I had walked through half the shopping centre with no mask on and felt guilty. Over half of adults have now had two jabs but we still have to wear a mask. We were feeling very hot last weekend – it was about 25 degrees centegrade – forty would be nearer your 100 farenheit! Then it poured with rain for a few days and I was happy for my garden.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      Our mask rules were like yours until this past Tuesday. Our state of California just announced that workers can now go without masks at work but I read the Unions are saying they are still weary and want to have workers more protected. We still have this variant here too and we are told unvaccinated people are susceptible. We have a good rate of vaccination in most parts of California. Sometimes I would forget and leave the house without my mask and have to go back and get it. We’ve only gone out to one restaurant so far and we ate out on the patio. It would be good if we could have some rain. Thanks for stopping by.


  2. Denyse Whelan Blogs

    Oh I feel for you with temperatures like that so early in the day. We get heatwaves in summer like that here in Australia and I thank the air con designers every day! We are at a strange place with Covid. Each State is doinf their own rules and we in New South Wales, we free and easy UNTIL a week ago, when one man, driving some airline crew to quarantine became infected with the more highly contagious version. Over the last week, his movements (we have tracking things on our phones where we check in – not compulsory) affected others, more are positive and many more areas have been noted as red zones. We, hub and I, are far from those areas and are glad to say we are now fully immunised as of yesterday. It’s a continuing thing..this pandemic. I hope you continue to enjoy more of the freedoms you missed. Denyse #weekendcoffeeshare


    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I think our climates are very similar. Our states have their own rules. Some have been very lax and had high rates of infection. The places where people have not had vaccines, mostly by their own choice, there are more infections starting up. I am still uneasy about this contagious variant here too. My husband and I are both fully vaccinated but I am not yet completely comfortable being around unmasked strangers. We don’t have the phone tracking. I wish we did. Our exercise center closed for a couple of days already because someone tested positive for COVID. I can’t believe it could be someone who has not had the vaccine which is readily available here. Thanks for stopping by, Denyse.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Susanne

    I know that I’ll feel uneasy about not wearing a mask, and to be around people for a long time also after vaccination and I don’t think I’ll feel that this is over until we’ve had another autumn and winter and the case count is still low.
    Regarding the grill cleaning – for “natural” cleaning agents, many talk about vinegar. Maybe worth trying if you haven’t.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      My comfort level is like yours about masks. Our exercise center had to close for a couple of days already because someone tested positive for COVID who went there. I can’t believe some people are still not vaccinated. Although I know there is a chance to get COVID even with being vaccinated. I feel like we need to see what happens in the coming months as well. I will see about the vinegar. I know I have some in the cupboard. Thanks for stopping by, Susanne.


  4. Susan Scott

    Been hearing about your heat wave Deborah. Hopefully it’s not humid at the same time? Glad you’ve been able to do a few things. We’re still obliged to wear masks at stores, sanitise before going in, some coffee places also take yr temperature and name, contact number and other details are recorded. We’re in a 3rd wave – grrrrr –

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      It has not been humid thank goodness. I have heard about the outbreak in South Africa. I hope we don’t have any more here. We will see what happens in the coming months. Stay safe, Susan and glad you dropped by.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Jackie

    Although we are progressing well on getting 2 doses for a lot of people. Masks are mandated until at least the end of September and that’s fine with me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      We are really good with vaccine rates in most of the state. Just some holdouts in a few places even though the vaccine is available. My husband and I are fully vaccinated but I still feel leery of strangers in public places without masks. Thanks for stopping by, Jackie.


  6. Kirstin

    Oh boy. I’m not sure I could do temps that high period but definitely not that early in the morning. My happy place is 70’s low 80’s. We’re supposed to see the 90’s this week. Yuck. LOL.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Cynthia Diament

    I loved your post. It sure gives me a picture of what it’s like for the two of you. You’re getting used to your community there and it won’t always be so hot. I think you probably got an email from Steve that all is going well with his treatment. It’s wonderful to have good news. Try to stay cool.

    Wishing you cooler days and we shall stay in touch.

    Love, Cynthia

    On Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 09:16 Notes Tied On The Sagebrush wrote:

    > Deborah Drucker posted: ” Coffee’s up. Today it’s Peets French Roast. Grab > a cup and pull up a chair. If we were having coffee I would tell you we are > in the middle of a heat wave here. It is already 100 degrees F at 8:30 AM. > I did do a couple of early morning walks this week, bu” >

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Suzanne@PictureRetirement

    Hi Deborah, I am visiting from Natalie’s Coffee Share link. I live in Florida, so I know a thing or two about heat. Our temps don’t get quite as high as you are experiencing, but we have the added discomfort of extreme humidity and bugs!! Needless to say, we stay inside as much as possible and drink lots of water from June through August.

    Our state seems to have a similar (unwritten) policy as yours regarding the mask thing; ‘if you are vaccinated, feel free to leave it off’. I still carry one with me and will likely wear it more often now that we are seeing signs of vaccinated people contracting the virus. Just when we dip one toe into the water…. be well and stay hydrated.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I know humidity makes even lower temperatures seem hot. We are adjusting to the lifestyle here. We stay in as well if the heat is extreme. It seems like we have a bit further to go before we are free from infection. Thanks for stopping by, Suzanne.

      Liked by 1 person



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