
Resolved, not to make any New Year’s resolutions. A definition of Hermitage via Google “the dwelling of a hermit, especially when small and remote.” Well I am not a hermit but I would keep this promise to myself, to always have a small place where I can go to be by myself with my thoughts and maybe some books, even if it is an imaginary place. I will keep my hermitage.

I like the setting of this tiny house in the desert but would not like the transparency and it would be very hot in the summer. Have to have my privacy. January 2 is World Introvert Day. 🙂

Stream of Consciousness Saturday is hosted by Linda G Hill. The prompt for today is ‘resolution.’ Featured image of Tiny House via Pixabay.com. Image of tiny house in desert by Nicolas Boullosa on Flickr Description: translucent tiny house in the desert of arizona (within Taliesin west)

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