Creating Characters

This is the first Wednesday of October and time for my post for the IWSG or Insecure Writers Support Group.

October 4 question – Have you ever slipped any of your personal information into your characters, either by accident or on purpose?

My characters are completely imaginary but I like to be able to figure out what makes them tick. So when I am writing about them I will explore what is going on with them (at least in my head). I like to add background, a past, or what they are thinking. I really love it when other authors do this with their characters because I find it makes their books so interesting and gives them more depth.  I do not include personal information into my characters but I do not discount doing this if it would add to the story.


The Insecure Writer

10 thoughts on “Creating Characters

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      It is not hard at all for me. It is like someone writing a character like Superman or Wonder Woman, the author does not consider themselves to be really Superman right? You can imagine what your character is like.

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      1. Deborah Drucker Post author

        Well it is not about being right. It is just the way I see my writing. I am thinking it may apply in writing in a female voice or male voice because I think men have trouble writing women characters and I might have trouble writing male characters because I experience and see the world as a woman.

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    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      We could be injecting subconsciously but what I meant by that is by building a backstory or showing the development of the character we make them more interesting and real. But I have not used real experiences from my own life or any dialog from my own life that I am aware of.


    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I would say that my values can come into my stories. But you never know, I may write something someday that is really not reflecting my values. The piece of myself that goes into my stories is my creativity.




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