APPs That Help People with ADHD

Smartphone productivity apps, best apps for ADHD symptoms

Image via Additude Magazine, click on image to link to APP article

Additude Magazine online has a new information guide called ADHD:The First 100 Days. It provides loads of information and resources for people who may want to know more about ADD and what can help.

The information about technology caught my eye because I know how many people are really into it and especially young people. In this article, written by a self-identified tech geek, the author mentions several APPs he has found very useful to manage time, work, sleep, e-mails, block out distractions and more. There is one APP he lists called “Rescue Time” that helps you track your activity on the internet. I got a laugh when he shared that he did not realize, and discovered with this APP, that he had spent 2 hours watching cat videos.  I was laughing with him because I know the internet is so seductive. There is always one more interesting article to read or video. Other APPs like “Freedom” and “Anti-Social” help you block access to distracting sites while you are at work or working on a report.

This article lists 30 different APPs. I think there are many that could be very useful.  What do you think? Have you discovered any APPs yourself?

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