Sequel of To Kill A Mockingbird

I read on this morning that a sequel to the novel “To Kill A Mockingbird” by Harper Lee will be released this summer. The title of the new book is, “Go Set a Watchman.” Harper Lee, who is now 88 years old, is quoted in the Salon article. This is her first novel in 50 years. Ms. Lee won the Pulitzer Prize for “To Kill A Mockingbird.”

One of my favorite films of all time, based on the book,  is “To Kill A Mockingbird,” starring Gregory Peck. It has a whole cast of wonderful actors including Brock Peters, Robert Duvall, Alice Ghostley and many more. Mary Badham and Phillip Alford play the children Scout and Jem.  The screenplay is by Horton Foote and music by Elmer Bernstein.

We have our own copy of the DVD and have watched it over and over. I think the story is still pertinent today. It is about racial prejudice and prejudice against people who are mentally ill. It about standing up for what is right even when many people around you are against you. It is told through the eyes of the little girl Scout. I love her relationship with her brother Jem and all their adventures with their visiting summer friend Dill. There is some mystery in the story surrounding their neighbor Boo Radley who is shut away in his house except for his nighttime forays where he leaves little gifts in the hollow of a tree for the children.

I am very interested in reading this new book. It is about Scout as an adult. You can read more about it in the Salon article. It states that Harper Lee wrote this book before she wrote “To Kill A Mockingbird” and the novel was just discovered last Fall.  I suspect it will be made into a film sometime in the future.

11 thoughts on “Sequel of To Kill A Mockingbird

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      Me too! I thought it was interesting that Harper Lee had written this book ( that is now the sequel) first and then her publisher asked her to write another book about Scout as a child which was “To Kill A Mockingbird.”


  1. Kat

    I am so excited about this book! The news popped up mulitiple times on my Facebook newsfeed and it just makes me so happy! I cant wait to read it. To Kill a Mockingbird is on my list of favorites- both book and movie.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. LifestyleswithLia

    Oh thank you for sharing this news with us! At 88 years old, what a tribute to Harper Lee’s incredible writing..that spans generations! I read the book as well as saw the movie and indeed, it is one of history’s best…I can imagine that the sequel will be just as riveting.
    Thanks again!

    Liked by 1 person



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