Weekend Coffee Share #21-Feeling My Way Around

Coffee’s up. Come on in and pull up a chair. If we were having coffee I would tell you it has been a hodgepodge type of week. Definitely not a settled routine. The weather had something to do with part of it. It has been getting hotter, hovering around 100 degrees most days. So I have not been inclined to walk during the day. I am not an early riser so I have to walk in the evening. I thought I would be walking more in the daytime and would be able to see the roadrunners. I did spot them last week, which was great. Still not getting the photos I would like.

A better view but working on getting more

I did record the sound the roadrunner made. It was hiding from me but you can still hear it.

Roadrunner makes a rattling sound?

I may have to change to a morning person to catch the nature around here.

I realize I am really still in the process of getting acquainted with my new environment. This will be my first summer here. We are scheduled to open up fully in California on June 15 even though the county I now live in has not moved into the least restrictive tear yet. The latest push to get everyone vaccinated is a million dollar lottery. I hope it works and gets more people vaccinated. I don’t like the idea of going out in public unmasked with people who are not vaccinated. In the summer here going out in public will most likely mean being indoors.

Tumbleweed Social Club

Weekend Coffee Share is hosted by Natalie at Natalie the Explorer.

16 thoughts on “Weekend Coffee Share #21-Feeling My Way Around

  1. Laurie

    I am always a little bit jealous of your roadrunner sightings. I have never seen one yet, despite several tries whenever we are in roadrunner territory. Thanks for sharing the soundtrack. Now I know what to listen for!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I think the roadrunner try to avoid people. I feel like I can’t get close because they will move away. I never saw them until we moved here. I am glad I got the soundtrack. I think they do make different sounds. But I got a kick out of hearing this one. Thanks for stopping by, Laurie.


  2. Cynthia Diament

    Hi Debbie,

    I could hear the roadrunner. Never heard one before. I am a morning person so that would work for me but you’ll get into a routine that works for you. I always enjoy the photos and what you have to say. Cynthia

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Jo

    Oh wow, a roadrunner! I’ve only ever seen them in cartoons (we don’t have them in Australia). We’ve become quite complacent here regarding the vaccination rollout – but we did have the virus sneak out of a quarantine hotel a couple of weeks ago and as a result, Victoria is in a snap lockdown again to give the contact tracers time to keep up. Here in Queensland we’re all good.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Jo

        Our southern state has had a couple of quick “circuit breaker” lockdowns – usually when there’s just a handful of cases. Our contact tracers pretty much are always able to track the source.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. leannelc

    Hi Debbie – more roadrunner info – I’m beginning to feel like an expert now I know they actually exist! Glad things are returning to normal for you at long last and you’ll be able to get out and about more. I can’t believe June is just around the corner already!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      You will probably hear more about the roadrunners when I see them again. I hope we keep going in the right direction with the pandemic. Yes, another half of year passing by. Thanks for stopping by, Leann


  5. Susan Scott

    What an interesting sound Deborah. It’s a nice photo you took there. We’re heading into almost 2 years of officially being here in Plettenberg Bay (July 2019) and it is only now that I’m beginning to feel settled, even though I’ve been familiar with it for a very long time. I wish I get myself into a morning walk instead of an afternoon one. It would be nice to 1) have done my exercise 2) to see the surrounds in a different light.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I am glad the roadrunner decided to talk. I think it was talking to a smaller one that was nearby. It takes time to feel settled. I will take the morning walk soon but it is a challenge because I really am not a morning person. It takes me a couple of hours usually to feel fully awake. I like that it is usually quiet in the morning outside.

      Liked by 1 person



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