Angel’s Collar

Been doing some ‘Spring cleaning’ in the summer and came across the pet collar of our deceased cat. I don’t have the heart to discard it as yet. It has her name on one side with our old phone number and my daughter’s name and our address on the other. Angel never liked wearing the collar. She was feisty but my daughter and I had a close bond with her. It was hard when she died. I have not wanted another cat since.

Angel ❤

Stream of Consciousness Saturday, #SOCS, is hosted by Linda G Hill. The prompt for today  is “collar.” Use it as a verb, a noun, or metaphorically. Bonus points for using it in all three ways! 


23 thoughts on “Angel’s Collar

  1. ghostmmnc

    I agree with keeping the collar and tag. Nice memories of times passed. I still have all our dog collars and tags, and remember all the good times & walks with them. Still have the cat collars, too, except they never really wore them. I have their toys too. 🙂

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