My Younger Brother

“There are some griefs so loud/They could bring down the sky/And there are griefs so still/None knows how deep they lie.” ~ May Sarton

My brother John died suddenly May 19, 2020 just when we thought he had overcome the coronavirus. I was with him on Skype when he died. I am comforted that he was not not alone and was not in pain.


18 thoughts on “My Younger Brother

    1. Maxine

      I am faced with the same situation. My eldest brother who has been fighting cancer has a very short time ahead of him.
      Hugs to you. So very sorry.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Susan Scott

    Dear Deborah, my deepest condolences to you and family. I know that you had been caring for him by way of communicating by way of Skype while he was in hospital and had hoped that he’d turned the corner. A blessing indeed that you were ‘with’ him when he died. The May Sarton quote is very apt and says so much in so few words. All deepest thoughts and wishes are with you.

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