Colored Pens

I like writing with different color pens and have a package of them to chose from. I have pens close at hand while I do genealogy research so I can take a lot of notes. Both my husband and I go through a lot of pens and I find myself always looking for replacements when mine run dry. Right now I have a bright blue ball point sitting next to my computer. Kind of a conservative color choice. Maybe switch to purple or chartreuse green next. What color do you like to write with?

Stream of Consiousness Saturday, #SOCS, is hosted by Linda G Hill. The “prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “blue.” Talk about the first blue object you see when you sit down to write your post.”

Featured image is ‘Testing every color pen’ by Marco Verch on

10 thoughts on “Colored Pens

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      Blue and black are good for business settings. We do run out of the blue and black ones more often because my husband uses those too. But if you’re at home you can get a little crazy with colors if you want. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person



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