Writing Nuttily

Accommodatingly for my post there are absolutely a lot of adverbs that end with -ly, thousands according to an account I recently read. (But just because a word may end with a -ly does not mean it is always an adverb.) I looked at a list by morewords.com and found a few fabulously farfetched examples like adumbratively and acropetally. It could be ascertained that I have an affinity for ‘a’ words but I decided to start and stay at the beginning of a bewilderingly long list. You may wonder where I am going with this stream which is attempting adumbratively to tell you I don’t have the vaguest clue.  And I may not have used adumbratively appropriately either, but it is fun using alliteration abundantly.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday is hosted by Linda G Hill.  The prompt for today is ‘words that end in -ly.’

Featured image from ‘Botany of a living plant’ (1919) pg 240 ( example of acropetally, you have to look it up) via Internet Archive on Flickr.com

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