
Yule starts with the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. For many of us it is time to gather for holiday celebrations. We just celebrated Hanukkah last week with part of the family. The best gatherings are with family and close friends. We might enjoy some eggnog or mulled wine and special meals like roast turkey. My daughter wants to make something different, paella. I look forward to being together with my daughter and my son and his family. Have a cold this week and grateful for online shopping. My little grandson is sick and had to go into the hospital yesterday. He is doing better and should be home soon. It has been a tough year for many people with all the hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and wild fires. I hope everyone can be with their families and friends and have Happy Holidays!

Wassail pronounced like waffle but with /s/ sound can mean drinking to your health, like a special holiday punch, or caroling ( singing Christmas songs). Here’s to all of our good health and Happy New Year!

Stream of Consciousness Saturday is hosted by Linda G Hill. The prompt words for today are you’ll, Yule, Yul. Featured image of ‘Snowing Snow Lantern Red Little Girl Winter’ via Max Pixel.

13 thoughts on “Yuletide

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I will when I get over this rotten cold. Ha,ha. And my grandson comes home. He got a stomach virus poor baby. Well my daughter is coming into town and I will see my son if I am better. It is good he lives close by. Thank you, Dan. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Sandi

    I love wassail! Drinking wassail was a part of a Madrigal feast held each year at my college (I never sang at it, but I did wait tables once—and was pretty bad at it). Hope your grandson gets better! Enjoy your family time, Deborah.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I was reading a bit about wassail (the punch) and it said you put chunks of fruit into it. I would probably not be good at waiting tables either, drop the plates. 😀 My grandson went back home yesterday and is on the mend. Hope you have happy holidays with your family too. Thank you, Sandi.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      I am getting there. Now pretty much with the cough stage. Not totally restful night but had a pretty restful nap today. A quiet holiday this year. Staying away from my son and baby for now. Having some nice moments with my daughter. Thanks for the good wishes and wishing you Happy Holidays too. 🙂




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