Ain’t I a Woman?

Ain’t I a Woman?, is the title of a speech given by the African American suffragette and abolitionist who called herself Sojourner Truth. I first read this speech when I was studying Women’s history in my American History course in college. I loved the speech from the first time I read it. We do not have an exact version of the speech which was given on May 29, 1851 at the Women’s Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio because it was not recorded word for word but have a version by Frances Gage who was present at the time. In the speech Sojourner says she has never been given any special treatment like some others claim are due to women. And she asks, “Ain’t I a Woman? ”


A text of the speech and some history.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday is hosted by Linda G Hill. The Prompt for today was to use a contraction at the beginning and end of our posts.

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