Silver Threading Writer’s Quote Wednesday-Perfectionism

images Perfect is the enemy of good via with text added

” Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor…”  What do you think? Does perfectionism get in the way of getting started or stop you from finishing or publishing your post? The image is of a diamond with natural flaws. Diamonds without flaws are very rare.


|Silver Threading|


Writer’s Quote Wednesday is a weekly blogging event hosted by Colleen at Silver Threading. For more information check out her blog by clicking on the link for Silver Threading above.

9 thoughts on “Silver Threading Writer’s Quote Wednesday-Perfectionism

  1. Hariod Brawn

    I think there is a kind of perfectionism that does not seek to make the end-product of one’s efforts perfect in themselves; rather, it is to engage the process of effort in perfect consideration of all factors involved. So, for example, the classical conception of perfectionism would say that if one is gardening and tidying a flower bed, then the perfectionist will endeavour to leave her mark in terms of a perfect looking end product. In contrast, the perfectionism I subscribe to would take into account all the variables, such as whatever is a reasonable amount of time to devote to the task, how much physical energy it is appropriate to expend, what other objectives might become neglected in obsessing over the gardening, and so forth. In this alternative form of perfectionism, there’s the absence of the neurosis and egocentricity that plagues the classical definition.

    With all best wishes and gratitude to you Deborah.


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  2. Silver Threading

    What an excellent quote! I am a perfectionist. I had to tell myself to just write what pours out and go back and edit later. Tough for me to do, but I am learning. Thanks for sharing and reminding me of something I need to really take to heart. ❤

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  3. Pingback: Writer’s Quote Wednesday Weekly Wrap-Up for 12/17/2014 | Silver Threading


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