Silver Threading Writer’s Quote Wednesday

6866289877_1c6e0181d9_z  Tunnel of Light Cape Sebastian Oregon Linda Tanner with text added

Should we be looking at stats and trying to figure out which posts are the most popular and do more of those. It has to do with what your goals are as a writer. Are you writing to create a popular product or to express you own unique voice and creativity?  What do you think?

|Silver Threading|

Writer's Quote Wednesday

24 thoughts on “Silver Threading Writer’s Quote Wednesday

  1. Kat

    I think you’ve pinpointed part of my recent problems with writer’s block. I became so obsessed with writing the right kind of piece that would appeal to people that I lost sight of my reasons for writing. I try not to pay too much attention to stats other than to see if the things I really enjoy or thought were better than others are the posts that people like. I find it interesting but I don’t want to get caught up in numbers.

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  2. Sandi

    Great questions, Deborah — and I love your photo as well as the quote. I am still writing for myself (and trying to finish up Photo 101 — still — and doing a couple of weekly events like Colleen’s). Maybe I should analyze the stats at some point, but I care more about using my blog as vehicle for expression right now. I didn’t look at other comments before writing this, so I’ll be interested to see what others have to say.

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    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      Thanks Sandi. I feel as you do. But others may have different goals and I think that is a matter of choice as well. Another way the quote spoke to me is that what we have to say is unique and that is what is the valuable. What we contribute is our own voice.

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  3. Pingback: Writer’s Quote Wednesday Weekly Wrap-up for 12/10/14 | Silver Threading

  4. dorne whale

    It’s easy to get bogged down with the stats thing, isn’t it? We’re led to believe that we should be obsessing about them, in order to be a better blogger and give our readers great content.
    But, I think if we try too hard we lose track of who we really are and what we want to say. I say: don’t let the stats take over…be yourself.
    A brilliant post, image and words…thank you.




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