Blogger Burnout

I developed blogger burnout and did not know it.

Angry Kid

Angry Kid

It has been difficult to balance writing my blog with the time it takes to make connections with other bloggers, looking at the blogs of those who have liked mine, reading their blogs and commenting and having time for the rest of my life.

I get drawn to checking for messages on my archive and who responded or liked me lately as well.

It’s not that I want to stop getting feedback. I would love more comments besides the likes so that I can have a discussion going and get other writer’s perspectives.

I have discussed this balance thing with other bloggers like  Natso and  aOpinionated Man .

We came to a consensus that one needs to find their balance.

Balance by Brent Moore

Balance by Brent Moore

Whoever thought of this “like” idea in social media must have studied psychology. It is human nature to want to check out who likes you, don’t you think?

I appreciate another blogger who recently gave me a ping back on his blog Too Full to Write.

Spending so much time related to my blogging is taking up not only time but energy.
Us introverted types get easily worn out when there is a high demand to process a lot of input and have a lot of social interaction.

I'm so tired by Gwen Quinlan

I’m so tired by Gwen Quinlan

We need down time to recharge and regroup. We need our space.

And I do have other things I need to do in my life or should be doing.
I am not good with the shoulds either. I have never been very good with the shoulds. Like I should be exercising, shopping for healthy meals, or cleaning the house.
I think I need to work out a schedule for myself and  how much time I will spend reading other blogs, checking the archive and responding each day.
I wonder how other have managed to keep a balance with their blogging, connecting with other writers and the rest of their lives.

I would love to hear how you have dealt with this issue and if it is an issue for you or not.

Elmine in Enschede work/life balance

Elmine in Enschede work/life balance

After starting this blog I saw a post by Michelle from WordPress Blogging 101 about the importance of avoiding blogging burnout by taking breaks from your blog.

Rest Area? by Peter Dutton

Rest Area? by Peter Dutton

That’s how I found the title for this blog and a description of what I had been feeling.

18 thoughts on “Blogger Burnout

  1. Silver Threading

    Me too! I know I will have to pace myself. I am an introvert also and that is so true about us. We need our space and time to recharge… so here I am commenting on your great post 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Laura L.

    I thought about being “amusing” and just liking this post. 🙂
    The blog I’m doing now is new but it isn’t the first blog I’ve done BUT it is the first of its type for me (it is a personal blog instead of one about a specific activity). I see burnout approaching but it is still closer to the horizon. Right now I’m still in the fuss with the aesthetics phase and I’ve been keeping my writing to mainly the daily prompts of The Daily Post. I have a getting-longer-each-day list of topics that I want to address sans prompts.

    I love conversation and discussion but don’t think I’ll be writing specifically to stir them up, as some bloggers do (Opinionated Man, for one). That cuts down my involvement.

    But you’re right. This blogging stuff is time consuming. I think its good you are seeing that fairly early into it. I’m not great with the shoulds either but there does come a point where you need to allocate specific time otherwise these things start creeping in more and more.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hila

    I completely relate to what you have written about. I get burnout every couple of months mostly from the frustration of not having the time to make the blog the way I want it to be…whenever I feel like I am getting somewhere with it, something happens that makes me realise/ feel like I am shortchanging my family :-(. I usually stop with the blog but then I feel like I am short changing myself then…vicious cycle that I have not yet figured out. Being relatively new to blogging I am hopeful that in time the balance will happen and I can stop being a pendulum

    Liked by 2 people

  4. LifestyleswithLia

    Thank you so much for this post! As a new blogger, I’m spending lots of time checking my stats, reading other blogs, commenting / liking and especially thinking about new topics to write about… Yet my sleep has been interrupted as a result and I’m wondering how to get balance between work, family and my new blogging hobby!
    Your post was so helpful to know others have this same situation… I’ll definitely think how to gain equilibrium!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. luciledegodoy

    Hi Deborah, I enjoyed your post; the photos made the heaviness you described much lighter and playful. You touched on very good points. I related to some of them. The last week was quite intensive and keeping up with day-to-day activities plus blogging101 tasks was a challenge. I went to bed every night at 1am, as I knew I wouldn’t have time during the day to complete them. Reading other blogs and commenting, whilst interesting and addictive, takes a lot of time as well. And I felt it’d be inconsiderate to not reply to those who took time to read my blog and helped me out.
    My husband told me that I was almost behaving like a caricature of a journalist (he’s one), sleeping too late and drinking tot much coffee…hopefully not alcohol!
    Thanks for sharing; many people will relate to it and feel relieved..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deborah Drucker Post author

      Thanks Lucile. I had to take a break from blogging because I had a family holiday dinner to prepare and company coming. I was so excited to have my daughter visit and my energy was taken up with that. I just felt able to return to my blog today. I am hopeful of finding my own pace and rhythm with blogging eventually. I hope, I hope 🙂


  6. Sandi

    It’s eerie how this post captures many of the thoughts that have been going through my head lately, particularly the balance between writing one’s own post and commenting or reading other people’s posts. Your pictures were fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. kspoints

    It is really easy to get overwhelmed with trying to participate in the blogosphere. My solution has been to check out other blogs only on a limited basis- maybe an hour or so a week? It’s time I specifically set aside to do it, so it’s not taking away from anything else I need to be doing in life. When I realized I just didn’t want to “play” that much with other bloggers, I felt really guilty. Reading and interacting on a limited basis works much better for me. I am so glad to read that I am not the only one who finds this overwhelming!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Deborah Drucker Post author

    Good idea about setting a limited time to check out other blogs. I know what you mean about feeling kind of guilty about it like maybe I will miss out but we need to find our own pace. Thanks for commenting.


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